Monday, March 7, 2016

Approaching Deity

Whenever I decide to work with a deity, there are a few steps I tend to take.

1. Research

This includes digging into and googling just about anything I can find about that deity.  I also look through my books to find any relevant holy days - Grandmother of Time is a pretty good one, but is not an authentic Hellenic source, so I usually take everything with a grain of salt and do independent research based on the things mentioned there.  I take time to learn about the cultural influences to the deity (whether they were part of an even more ancient civilization, imported from another civilization, and whether they are equated with any other deities of other cultures) and how they have changed through history and by interpretation of modern pagans.  Learning about their epiteths, names, and general demesnes is a big one, as well as becoming familiar with their place in the pantheon and mythos associated with them.  I make note of traditional offerings and worship, as well as symbols, colors, scents, flowers, incense, and any tools or acts that may be associated with them.

2. Book of Shadows Entry

Yes, I do have a BoS despite exploring Hellenismos.  I don't plan to change this; it's my working manual, a snapshot of my practice in time, and a wonderfully useful tool to have at my service.  Once I've started the researching process, I take all that I've learned and start up a page - or section - in my BoS dedicated to that deity.  It includes basic correspondences, references to historical books, myths, the deities role, power and demesne, as well as any historical invocations, songs, and poems.

3. Shrine/Altar

My shrines/altars tend to be very simplistic.  I try to incorporate colors, herbs, flowers, crystals, and symbols of the deity I am attempting to work with, but this cannot always be as ideal as I'd prefer based on my income and availability of some items.  They should always have a candle that is dedicated to them, an offering bowl and incense.  If I continue to work with them for longer than a few days, more things will slowly be added to this shrine, including but not limited to satchets, potpourri blends, custom oil blends, hand-made statuary, purchased items, and dedicated tools.   You can even create a prayer book to be laid on the shrine at all times holding only prayers, invocations songs and chants related to the deity (and only that deity), decorated appropriately.  The shrine/altar should always be dedicated and physically and energetically cleaned before use (and should be re-cleaned at the end of each lunar cycle, and energetically cleaned and physically cleaned whenever taking a particular shrine/altar down and/or erecting a new one in its place).

4. Formal Introduction

Now is the time to ritually invoke the deity, introduce myself to them, state why I want to work with them - what I hope to gain - and what I plan to offer them in exchange for this.  I view this very much like a contract; I outline what I want, what I'm willing to do to get it, and hope that the deity will consider this a fair exchange.  I am very specific during this exchange to outline exactly what the deity can expect from me - I set up specific days for offerings, for singing praises, for working with them.  I ask that if this proposal is acceptable, the deity send me an obvious undeniable sign of their assent.  I always leave an offering at the end of this ritual, and take some time to meditate on why I want to work with this deity.

5. Regular Offerings

In my introduction, I promise specific days of offering for a specific length of time (usually a lunar month).  This doesn't mean that it's the only day I make an offering, or that I ignore the deity every other day; it's a core minimum.  If nothing else, that deity can always expect me to pay respect on that specific day.  My goal is to devote a few minutes of each day to the deity, if not more.  The offerings themselves can be incense, food, flowers, herbs, crystals, tools, statuary, custom created crafts, dedicated tools, custom chants, poems, invocations, songs, or even gifts of raised energy.  It can also be in the form of doing things that the deity would approve of - volunteering at a dog kennel if working with Artemis, making my daily cleaning a ritual if working with Hestia, donating blood at a blood drive if I'm working with Apollo, etc.

6. Meditation

Most of my communication with the deities, and getting to know them, at least along a UPG vein, is done through meditation.  I have a shamanic viewpoint of the spiritual world consisting of the Upper World, Middle World and Lower World, which houses all lands included in all cultures; in Hellenic mythos, Olympus would be in the Upper World, Hades in the Lower World, and nature deities would be in the Middle World. Depending on the deity I'm working with, I would have a journey to that world on occasion and commune with them directly, if they so let me. Otherwise, it would be a few moments of silent meditation on the deity themselves.

7. Farewell

When I feel that the time I have spent with a deity has come to an end, I have a final ritual to show my gratitude to that deity for all that I have learned.  I give a final offering to show my appreciation and explain to them that I feel I have learned all I can for now, but would like to work with them again in the future, if they are so willing to allow it.  I treat this as more of a celebration than a solemn rite; food is cooked or baked, I bring out a drink or two, and I toast to that deity.  Music is played, or a movie is watched that falls under their demesne, or I'll otherwise do something that is aligned to the powers and energy of that deity.  When the celebration is over, I ritually and solemnly take down their shrine, clean it, and store their items safely away in a labeled box or container.

I figure that if, at some point, I feel a powerful connection to a deity to the point where I want to work with them long-term or permanently, I may consider having a dedication ritual and putting them in place as my matron or patron.  I have not yet worked with a deity that I have felt so strongly about, but I am open to the possibility.

So far, the above steps have worked well for me!  I will post if I experience any changes in my system.

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