If you have found your way to this particular blog, you probably are already aware that this is my personal journey discovering, following and implementing Hellenismos.
For those of you who do not know what Hellenismos is, it is a pagan reconstruction religion based on the Ancient Greek Hellenic practice. Hellenismos is a modern movement that uses anything and everything that can be found from historical sources as a basis for modern practice - with a few adaptations to make the practice and religion fit into our modern lives.
The Olympian Gods (Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hades, Aphrodite, Ares, Apollo, Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Hephaestus, and Hermes) form the basis of the practice, as well as some other key deities, such as Hestia, Dionysus, Hecate, etc. These deiteis are honored frequently (many honor the gods daily, sometimes twice a day) through hymns and sacrifices (of food, incense, wine, burnable objects, crafts in their honor, etc - no actual blood sacrifices are done). Each of the main gods have their own festivals that are celebrated throughout the year, though many Hellenismos follow the ancient Greek lunar calendar rather than our modern one.
I have personally felt called to this branch of paganism multiple times throughout my path, with increasing frequency the past few years. I have finally felt that the time was right to throw all of my precautions to the wind and involve myself in this religion. I'm not sure why I have not done so up until now, other than the practices are completely foreign to me and not as easily accessible to some other religions; but I suddenly realized that "it's hard" was not an appropriate excuse, especially when I felt something calling to me so strongly. Even though I had previously described myself as "pagan" and more specifically "Wiccan" I had always felt most connected to Greek deities and had a tendency to use historical information rather than Neo-Wiccan beliefs and practices. It is time that I give this particular interest the attention it deserves.
And so, this blog was born. Here, I will record what I discover as I discover it, post links to youtube videos, pinterest pins, tumblr pages, articles, blogs, and websites that I find particularly useful on my path. As I progress and collect books, I will also share these, as well as a review (hopefully).
I welcome any and all questions, and I highly value any corrections that are made! I am here to learn, to explore. I have no doubt that there will be some misconceptions and some things that I do or find that are just plain wrong. Constructive criticism and a gentle push in the right direction is key for seekers such as myself! So please, if you feel so called, leave a comment or message me. I will greatly appreciate it!
And as always, finding others who are of like mind, or who are also exploring this path, are a wonderful addition to my life. I hope to make at least a few friends along the way!
Thank you for reading! I will, hopefully, see you around very soon!
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